spn+ bfu (1/?)
lupinsremus:BUZZFEED UNSOLVED - but it’s just memes 2.0[part 1.0]
diggsdaveed:“I’ve lived my life by one adage, and that’s don’t fuck with demons!”November 26th, 2020
madej:Top 10 Beatdown → BFU: True Crime (as voted by my followers)1. The Strange Disappearance of D.
madej:Top 10 Beatdown → BFU: Supernatural (as voted by my followers)2. The Search for the Mysterious
ryanbercara:“We’re the ghoul boys.” “Yeah, we’re the ghoul boys.”Shane and Ryan + (some) favorite qu
bergaralovebot:Ryan Bergara in Every Buzzfeed Unsolved Video | The Strange Deaths Of The 9 Hikers Of
nialljhoran:Yeah, there we go… you know your audience.
squallysquoop:Or was it???The Haunted Town Of Tombstone
lupinsremus:BUZZFEED UNSOLVED - but it’s just memes
Shane rendering his coworkers speechless
Watcher Weekly + “Duo Only” episodes
ryanbercara:You just shut your mouth, I’m done. Shut up, you're—I can’t even—
bergaramadejs:The Demonic Goatman’s Bridge
Join the Watcher crew for an extra-special live episode of “Too Many Spirits” to celebrate Valentine
Shane: One of these days I’d love my eyes to turn black.Ryan: I would like that day to never c
romulusnuffles:“We’re gonna be practicing this at home, together.”“In the shower tonight.”“Well, tha
yalenas:Ryan: Caught you red handed! Saw you doing your stupid face in the beginning. Don’t even pre
I D I S R E S P E C T Y O U R B R I D G E, G O A T M A N
daishannigans:Ryan “I Don’t Get Paid Enough For This Shit” Bergara — Ghoul Edition
YO where my BFU/AH people at cause I had a mindblowing breakthrough at the realisation of my fave du
@wearewatcher ‘s Dish Granted is much more chaotic than I expected.
ghoulign:This is the look of a man who knows what he’s about
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