Dad s big monster cock
Scholars are still debating this! Some believe they are scarification marks, other scholars speculat
“Who was Nespeqashuty and how did part of his tomb end up in Brooklyn?”When we think about art creat
Yes, it was a game! The game of senet reflects the belief that the deceased encountered demons on th
That’s a really funny sketch from New Kingdom Egypt! Though the exact origin of this imagery i
Although the seated versus standing poses are not as codified as the hand mudras (specific hand gest
It’s an early 20th century version of Realism. In the 1920s, some artists continued to work in
They are actually both! They express or advertise the artist’s skills, but still lifes also tr
That’s a great question. No there would not have been another layer. It would just have been h
Have a question about art on your next visit at the Museum? Download our ASK Brooklyn Museum app and
Last week I spent time with my colleagues in the contemporarygalleries looking at Sol LeWitt’s “Hang
“Where was this park and what was the view?”William Glackens was an American artist known for his re
Do you have an Android? We know you love it so much—and guess what?—our ASK Brooklyn Museum app is c
Loïs Mailou Jones was associated with the Harlem Renaissance, although she also worked in Paris for
“How have Black artists incorporated African art forms in their work?”Visitors make amazing discover
During closure we’re eager to connect with you, our community, in fun and engaging ways. Today on ou
Earth Day may not be until next week, but you can celebrate a few days early with today’s Art Histor
The flatness is primarily due to a lack of training! Most professional painters in the colonies had
Happy Birthday, Walt Whitman! Today marks the 200th anniversary of the American literary icon who in
Want to learn more about an artist in our collection? Download our Ask Brooklyn Museum app and chat
The eyes and ears may have been filled with incrustation of precious metals or stones. The ears coul
This year marks Walt Whitman’s 200th birthday, so this month we’ll be featuring works fr
In addition to answering specific questions, the ASK team enjoys recommending works of art based on
Have a question on your next visit at the Museum? Download our ASK app and ask away.
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