Asian Privilege
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chrome heels
I do find it an immense privilege when beautiful Asian women push away their Asian bfs for the pleas
One of the “trademark” features of an Asian are monolids. This feature is what gives Asians a slante
Hollywood has had a long run in whitewashing asian characters. Roles for asian actors/actresses have
Scarlett Johansson —a white American actress—has just been slated for the role of Major
In 1942, the U.S. government ordered the removal of Japanese Americans into internment camps. Many l
“ About one third of Laos remains contaminated with UXO left behind from the Vietnam
It has become a common trend for American Asians to change their names from their native ones to Eng
“From 1964 to 1973, the U.S. dropped more than two million tons of ordnance on Laos during
For more, @ohmayohmy on instagram
I do find it an immense privilege when beautiful Asian women push away their Asian bfs for the pleas
One of the “trademark” features of an Asian are monolids. This feature is what give
“… more than 90% of Asian Americans are immigrants or children of immigrants(1) &md
Equality Golbat: “Being pressured to accept your abusive parents because ‘that’s j
Equality Golbat: “Being stereotyped as bad drivers, bad speakers, and abusive parents is not a
For more, @ohmayohmy on instagram
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