miraculous moron
sean sevestre
queue uwu
“Capitalism Kills / Make the rich pay for the crisis
“Abolish Prisons, ICE, the State, Police, Borders, Capitalism” Seen in the San Francisco
Posted @withregram • @radical.seattle Eat the Rich and Arm the Homeless.....#eattherich #armthehomel
Anarchist posters seen around Pittsburgh
#Repost @riseupgoodwitch (@get_repost)・・・**i amthe original poster of this meme. Please share and ge
#Repost @laughingloone (@get_repost)・・・Made a new image to be screenprinted and distributed by @xpx_
‘Down with Capital’
anticapitalist:Microsoft and Skype set to allow backdoor eavesdroppingSkype and Microsoft have manag
‘No future for capitalism’ Sticker spotted in Zurich, Switzerland
Posted @withrepost • @accesscenteredmovement Access-Centered Movement, an organization run by multip
“Grow plants, degrow capitalism” Seen in Burlington, Vermont
“Capitalism is the Virus” Seen in Eindhoven, Netherlands
“Capital is harmful to human dignity” Seen in Hamburg, Germany
Love Art, Hate CapitalismBerlin, 2017
‘Cops are the Dogs of Capital’Poster seen in Melbourne
“No person is free under capitalism” Seen in La Crosse, Wisconsin
“Capitalism Is Cannibalism” Photo from Melbourne in the 1990’s
“Searching for a vaccine against the virus of capital” Seen in Barcelona
“No person is free under capitalism” Seen in La Crosse, Wisconsin
“You don’t hate Mondays, you hate capitalism” Seen on a bridge over the I-90 freew
“Protect each other, not capitalism” Seen in Portland, Oregon
“Capitalism is the Virus” Seen in Indianapolis, Indiana
“Capitalism Is Cannibalism” Photo from Melbourne in the 1990’s
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