lam nai-choi
#the amazing thing is that ben is the only one who /isn’t/ particularly smug (via @anghraine)
anghraine:anghraine:anghraine:The Skywalkers, ladies and gentlemen(I can’t do gifs but at least I ca
anghraine:moondrops-burst:winnifredfoster:Suddenly the Rebellion is real for you? Some of us live it
anghraine:ymutate:GABRIELLE BAKKER, Leda - Prototype 2004 - Gouache on Paper - 17"x12.5"
anghraine:wondertwinc:- Margaret Atwood@manymanytimesb4!!!!!
anghraine:writscrib:INDIEGOGO HERE Please help spread the word, every reblog counts!*Note: This has
heckofabecca:wip wip wip (Andreth) (blame anghraine)
anghraine:Audrey Hepburn as Tar-Míriel, rightful Queen of NúmenorHe had no son, but a daughter only,
anghraine: #perhaps the truest statement ever trued re: darth vader
anghraine:bidonica:Today’s installment of why“but it has always been like this!” is a bullshit argu
anghraine:Cesare judging his family’s love lives, Part 2: ugh Juan could you not
anghraine:I have no art skills, so dolls for today: ladies of the Exilesírime or írien or Lalwendë (
anghraine:croclock:bby ancalimeahhh emerwen aranel
anghraine:Lauren Bacall as Niënna, sister of Mandos, fourth among the Valiër, weeping for all the so
anghraine:Yoda: master troll.
anghraine:arszanka:THIS IS THE BEST TAG EVER THANK U @cptpollardcontinuation of thisomg, @steinbecks
anghraine:Dorothy Dandridge as Eru Ilúvatar Ilúvamil, the One, All-mother, supreme goddess of Eä.Now
anghraine:nanyoky:coffeewithcalypso:chwhore:iwannabeadored:I fucking knew this was about On the Road
anghraine:Leslie Howard as Manwë Súlimo, lord of winds, king over the Valar, brother to Morgoth, hus
anghraine:staceythinx:Octopus chandeliers by Adam Wallacavagesteinbecks
anghraine:France Nuyen as Yavanna Cementári, Queen of the Earth, giver of fruits, mother
a-stars-hope: anghraine: Luke flying. (ETA: Yes, I’m aware that Luke is not piloting the shi
crocordile: anghraine: ymutate: GABRIELLE BAKKER, Leda - Prototype 2004 - Gouache on P
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