bruna luccas
Because this is seriously the cutest picture of us, and I miss you bunches #besties #selfiesfordays
Everything has changed and yet, I am more me than I have ever been. #beabadasseveryday #selfie #sel
Whimsical sunsets are my favorite. #effyourbeautystandards #honormycurves #fatfashion #psblogger #ps
#Repost @thewildyolo ・・・ ~ Just a Lil Sunday Quality Time out on the Backroads of Iowa ~ Hangin on t
Be like snow Cold but Beautiful ❄ #snow #beabadasseveryday #allsmiles #smile #behappy #becauseyoudes
The less you give a damn the happier you’ll be ❤️ #beabadasseveryday #selfie #selfienation #sm
La felicidad es un suspiro, y si junto esos suspiros se convierte en respiración. Lo perfecto imperf
With true love the butterflies never go away. Christa can attest.⠀⠀⠀⠀She writes:⠀⠀“Chad an
Some souls just understand each other upon meeting. This was the case for Charles and Rachael.⠀⠀He
#selfie #selfienation #allsmiles #happy #happygirl #smile #becauseyoudeserveto #quotes #quotesthatsp
#meltcosmetics Ugh…. this is just so sexii! I’m very much in love- I’
Everything has changed and yet, I am more me than I have ever been. #beabadasseveryday #selfie #sel
Be like snow Cold but Beautiful ❄ #snow #beabadasseveryday #allsmiles #smile #behappy #becauseyoudes
People are going to judge you anyway. So forget everyone and be yourself X #beabadasseveryday #self
The less you give a damn the happier you’ll be ❤️ #beabadasseveryday #selfie #selfienation
It feels like Christmas #merrychristmas #selfie #christmasselfie #allsmiles #happy #happygirl #merry
To be loved and to be in love. All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you. #sno
Last weekend I surprised my bestie by going on a trip I “wasn’t going to go on”. M
A Vegas throwback. #effyourbeautystandards #honormycurves #fatfashion #psblogger #psfashion #celebra
5am sausage McMuffins. #effyourbeautystandards #honormycurves #fatfashion #psblogger #psfashion #cel
3/3 Trust the magic #effyourbeautystandards #honormycurves #fatfashion #psblogger #psfashion #celebr
2/3 dear self, today you will shine #bebold #plussize #fatandfree #honormycurves #bodypositive #effy
1/3 no one is me and that’s my super power. #effyourbeautystandards #honormycurves #fatfashion
Celebrating a birthday with this view is never a bad thing. #bebold #effyourbeautystandards #honormy
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