Alien Biology
sea dragon
Coral Aliens for Desert Moon of Karth. Only 4 days left to back the kickstarter and find out what th
There had been a trend going around where artists re-do old pieces of theirs. I am late to the game,
#inktober2017 07: Shy. Finally after weeks of searching, we caught a glimpse of the Gliese 581 D Nig
Slightly late, but here’s #inktober2017 06: Sword. An arthropod-like hard-shelled creature of a dist
The series of alien flyer journal entries.
More Tyler Smith stuff–environments as well as creatures:www.artstation.com/tsmith
Tyler Smith:www.artstation.com/tsmith3dI floop-floopian LOVE this guy’s stuff, so
Although centuries of abuse and mismanagement have reduced Earth’s once bountiful oceans t
The main cast of Runaway to the Stars walks to the left. Members of my Patreon will know I’ve
Nope, we are not aliens. We are baby zebra fishes.
More Tyler Smith stuff–environments as well as creatures:www.artstation.com/tsmith
Tyler Smith:www.artstation.com/tsmith3dI floop-floopian LOVE this guy’s stuff, so
vcreatures: Cerebrum nasus is a medium sized quadruped with a unique adaptation to navigate a world
Some people have asked how my newest alien’s mouth works. So I made this sketch of one yaw
A portrait of a blue headed canyon rasp on the look out for its next meal preferably carrion.
Alien life is here on Earth In 1907, a strange creature was caught off the Azores in Portugal. It wa
“You still don’t understand what you’re dealing with, do you? Perfect organism. It
Nope, we are not aliens. We are baby zebra fishes.
I haven’t been posting here nearly as much as I use to. I tend to post more regularly on Insta
As the tide recedes denizens of the nearby jungle come out to scour the sand for food.
Miscellaneous avian alien worldbuilding. There are two main kinds of vegetation on the avian homepla
A traditional-style pygmy avian dwelling, which is about 3.3 meters tall. They’re construc
These truly spectacular maps were created by @cmaidaartworkblog!Centaur HomeplanetStar: K-class, mai
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