4th Season
beardy boi
funky fashions
cleowho:“Wouldn’t you like to know, eh?”Destiny of the Daleks - season 17 - 1979
cleowho:“Oh, take a chance.”The Ribos Operation - season 16 - 1978
cleowho:“I’ve never chosen my own company.”Logopolis - season 18 - 1981
cleowho:“Suggest you allow mistress to make contact.”The Pirate Planet - season 16 - 1978
cleowho:“…and what do you do?”Nightmare of Eden - season 17 - 1979
cleowho:“An impenetrable disguise…”Pyramids of Mars - season 13 - 1975
cleowho:“How am I?”The Invasion of Time - season 16 - 1978
cleowho:“I want to know everything about that capsule.”The Horns of Nimon - season 17 - 1979
cleowho:“Mutter. Intone.”Logopolis - season 18 - 1981
cleowho:“You were saying?”Genesis of the Daleks - season 12 - 1975
cleowho:“…I’ve just had a rather nasty thought.”Genesis of the Daleks - season 12 - 1975
cleowho:“Harry, I’m standing on a land-mine.”Genesis of the Daleks - season 12 - 1975
cleowho:“I thought so.”The Keeper of Traken - season 18 - 1981
cleowho:“…stand in the way of progress?”The Power of Kroll - season 16 - 1978
Thinking about Henry Cavill looking in 4th season of “The Tudors” like a perfect young Robert Barath
cleowho:“Excuse me.”The Pirate Planet - season 16 - 1978
thejulialouisdreyfus:hereisgina: Today is a great day, I can and I will. 3rd nomination, 4th season
cleowho:“Some of my best friends are humans.”The Invisible Enemy - season 15 - 1977
cleowho:“I worry about you.”The Hand of Fear - season 14 - 1976
cleowho:“French picklock.”Pyramids of Mars - season 13 - 1976
cleowho:“I do dislike faint praise.”The Ribos Operation- season 16 - 1978
cleowho:“Arrow A…”Destiny of the Daleks - season 17 - 1979
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