bra cute
27//05//17Tried practising kanji from the new book today!!! It is actually aimed at Japanese kids bu
25//08//17Guess who is back to studying? Yeah, me! Can’t wait till college starts because work
25//06//17Strawberries and Japanese on my day off
Words with Kanji 月月光(げっこう):moonlight月曜日(げつようび):monday今月(こんげつ):this month満月(まんげつ):full moon名月(めいげつ):h
18//05//17 Time to cry, I mean study for my French exam… At least it’s the last exam of
02//08//17Rewrote the NHK Easy News article and now gonna highlight some of the unknown words ✌
20//05//17First day of freedom from the exams!! Now I can do the same stuff I did before but without
Words with the kanji 犬愛犬(あいけん):pet dog/ beloved dog番犬(ばんけん):watch dog野犬(やけん):stray dog老犬(ろうけん):old d
22//05//17Ordered more books from AmazonJP, can’t wait till they come. But for now, these are
Words with the kanji 五五円玉(ごえんだま):5 yen coin 五月(ごがつ):May五冊(ごさつ):5 books/ volumes五番(ごばん):5th positi
2tokyo: Books I use for studying Japanese. When I entered university I thought the books we would be
Words with Kanji 月月光(げっこう): moonlight 月曜日(げつようび):monday今月(こんげつ):this month満月(まんげつ):full moon名月(めいげつ)
Words with the kanji 五五円玉(ごえんだま): 5 yen coin 五月(ごがつ):May五冊(ごさつ):5 books/ volumes五番(ごばん):5th
25//06//17 Strawberries and Japanese on my day off
Day out with friends in Howth♡ Tbh this is what I enjoy the most Back to work tomorrow until Sunday
Words with the kanji 犬愛犬(あいけん):pet dog/ beloved dog番犬(ばんけん):watch dog野犬(やけん):stray dog老犬(ろうけん):old d
27//05//17 Tried practising kanji from the new book today!!! It is actually aimed at Japanese kids b
22//05//17 Ordered more books from AmazonJP, can’t wait till they come. But for now, these
20//05//17 First day of freedom from the exams!! Now I can do the same stuff I did before but withou
18//05//17 Time to cry, I mean study for my French exam… At least it’s the las
16//05//17 Second exam tomorrow is Japanese! I am a bit nervous because one section is dedicated to
14//05//17 Somebody save me from all these exams… First exam starts tomorrow…
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