Kate Earl
autumn gif
you will find
Fragmentsof high-quality glassware (16thcentury, Tara, Siberia).Tara,one of the oldest Russian settl
16th Century Shaped Charge, The Petard,Derived from the from the French word “pet” and Latin word “p
In addition to serving as the dentist to royalty in 19th-century Europe and being an early benefacto
Inhabited initial C from a choir book showing Saint John on PatmosLombardy, ca. 1500; illuminator: M
Leaf from a Book of Hours showing the Presentation in the TempleParis, ca. 1520; illuminator: worksh
Hours of the Virgin, Use of RomeParis, Gilles Hardouyn, 1516 La Salle University, Connelly Library,
Book of Hours, Use of RomeParchment, 137 fols.Lyon, ca. 1505–15; illuminator: Master of the Entry of
Jean Lemaire de Belges Pronosticque historial de la félicité future de l’an mil cincq cens et douze
Octavien de Saint-GelaisLivre des Eneydes (French translation of Virgil, Aeneid)France, ca. 1505–10
Noels (Christmas carols) Western France (Nantes?), ca. 1520–30 The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lew
Missal for the Use of RomeSouthern Netherlands, possibly Hainault, ca. 1530–50The Free Library of Ph
ancientorigins:Miniature boxwood carving, 16th century, Netherlands.
Pages from the Mayan manuscript known as the Madrid Code(16thcentury), most likely brought back to S
This is a collection of papal decrees and bulls concerning the Augustinian order. The compilation be
Friday check-in, how’s everyone feeling?Weekend ready? Illuminated Manuscript Lions f
From: Gessner, Conrad, 1516-1565. Conradi Gesneri medici Tigurini Historiae animalium … Tigur
Wyeth, N. C.(Newell Convers), 1882-1945. Books : romance, history, travel. New York : National Assoc
Album of Engravings and Devotional Texts by Erasmus, Marco Girolamo Vida, and Prudentius Flanders,
Portolan Charts of the Atlantic Coast of Europe, the Western Mediterranean, and the Eastern Mediterr
From: Grafton, Richard, -1572? A chronicle at large, and meere history of the affayres of Englande,
Denis Faucher, manuscript additions to Hendrik Herp Speculum perfectionis (Mirror of Perfection) V
From: Grafton, Richard, -1572? A chronicle at large, and meere history of the affayres of Englande,
From: Grafton, Richard, -1572? A chronicle at large, and meere history of the affayres of Englande,
Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio /cum privilegio decennali Ab
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