carving board
earth wallpaper
mademoiselle duthé
Francesco Montelatici detto Cecco Bravo (1607–1661)Tulipani e rose gialle in un vaso di vetro; Busto
Francesco Montelatici detto Cecco bravo (1607–1661)Allégorie de l'Aurore
The Body of Christ with Two Angels, ca 1600,Alessandro Allori. Italian (1535–1607)
St. Michael and the Devil, Orazio Gentileschi, 1607
Cuirassier armour of Henry, future Prince of Wales about 1607.from The Royal Collection Trust
likeniobe:images from henry peacham’s the art of drawing with the pen, 1607
Portrait of a Gentleman (Pedro Téllez-Girón y Velasco), Bartolomé González y Serrano, ca. 1607
Livery collar made by Antonij Groot in 1606 and possibly worn by Charles IX of Sweden at his 1607 co
Monument to John Coles (d. 1607) and his wife Anne in the Church of St Andrew & St Mary, Pitmins
mxcbth:The Seven Works of Mercy (Detail), c. 1607 — Caravaggio
armthearmour:A beautifully blued and gilt late armor, Dutch, ca. 1607, housed at the Royal Armouries
Christ Carried to the Tomb, Sisto Badalocchio, ca. 1607
St. Jerome Writing, Caravaggio, 1607
Rudolf II - Holy Roman Emperor (1576–1612), silver thaler, 1607.
v-ersacrum:Caravaggio, The Seven Works of Mercy (detail), c.1607
lstctrl:Denis van Alsloot - Paradise (1607).
centuriespast:Still Life with MaskHenrick Andriessen (1607–1655)The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Arch
Caravaggio - Christ at the Column (c. 1607). Detail.
artist-caravaggio:The Seven Works of Mercy, 1607, CaravaggioSize: 260x390 cmMedium: oil, canvas
blackpaint20:DetailThe Witches Sabbath by Frans Francken II, 1607.
“Ball” by Hieronymus Francken the Younger, 1607
Windsor Castle. From an engraving by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607–1677)An unusual ‘birds eye’ view.
dutch-and-flemish-painters:Cornelis de Bailleur - Marriage at Cana - Cornelis de Baellieur (1607, An
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