The Risen ChristBramantino (Italian; ca. 1465–1530)ca. 1490Mixed technique on panel © Museo Thyssen-
Journey of the Queen of Sheba by Apollonio di Giovanni, c. 1460-65Journey of the Queen of Sheba by A
Hercules, Piero della Francesca, ca. 1465
Christ on the Cross with Mary, John and Mary Magdalene by the Master of the life of the Virgin, 1465
Simon Marmion - The Mass of St. Gregory (c. 1460). Detail.
Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts Biagio d'Antonio and Jacopo da Sellaio, c. 1465
The Flagellation of Christ (detail), 1465, Piero della FrancescaMedium: panel,tempera
Hercules, 1465, Piero della Francesca
Portrait of Battista Sforza, 1465, Piero della FrancescaMedium: panel,tempera
Dobla of Alfonso of Aragon (r. 1465–68), also known as Alfonso I of Naples (r. 1442–58), Medieval Ar
Saint William’s College, York, England.Built 1465 to house the York Minster’s Chantry Priests. After
The Nativity, circle of Donatello, ca. 1465
Anonymous, Geertruy Haeck Kneeling in Prayer before Saint Agnes (detail), 1465. Oil on panel, 62.4 ×
kozimacanto:vonbrogiani:artist-francesca:Portraits Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza, 1465
artist-francesca:Portraits Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza, 1465, Piero della FrancescaM
queenelizabethwydeville-deactiv:On this day (26th May) in 1465, Elizabeth Woodville; wife of Edward
vanderbilt: → Elizabeth Woodville’s coronation (26th of May 1465), part. 1« She was awed by the m
darksilenceinsuburbia:Petrus Christus: Our Lady of the Dry Tree, 1465
decadentiacoprofaga:Card no. 44 from the E-series of the so-called Mantegna Tarocchi, ca. 1465.Sourc
benozzo-gozzoli: The Parable of the Holy Trinity and the Visit to the Monks of Mount Pisano, 1465, B
benozzo-gozzoli:St. Augustine Reading Rhetoric and Philosophy at the School of Rome (detail), 1465,
benozzo-gozzoli: The School of Tagaste, 1465, Benozzo GozzoliMedium: fresco
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