flashing image
©kwanwoojo:’"나는 키작은 왕 인데~~ 아들 세자는 키크고훤칠하죠?“왕아들 세자역 배우 이준혁씨와 부자 인증샷을 올려
- 배우 한보름님의 인증샷입니다. 러블리한 ✔️TEDDY BOY KNIT_pink #oioi#oioikorea#oioishowroom#showroom#fashion#design#d
Colin firth butt naked in Single man
Sexy hot naked butt in the movie taekwondo
George Clooney Butt Naked in Solaris
Matt Battaglia nude in Universal Soldier II
feelgr: love04321: 남자들의 꿈~~쌍보지..ㅋㅋ 역대급 최고~~ 포로노 배우가 아닌 일반인이라면~~~
evilthell: My rope and photo, more at evilthell.comボクの写真。evilthell.com 배우고 싶네~~~
moa_ent문열어주세요~~ @kbsdrama "형제들! 사랑에 대해 더 배우고 오세요~ 우리는 인테리어 구상 들어갑니다~!“ 현재-미래
kbsdrama“형제들! 사랑에 대해 더 배우고 오세요~ 우리는 인테리어 구상 들어갑니다~!” 현재-미래 커플의 결혼 프로젝트 출사표! KBS
Hi guys~ I have another picture for today. Thank you @shanharifanart for this question on an earlier
Today, I have two beginner grammar points! A/V지만 and V(으)ㄹ래. They are quite simple, but this post en
Hey guys~ I have a tiny comic for reading practice! I hope you like it. 쇼핑 중- (In the middle of) sho
Hi guys~ I’ve mentioned before that learning hanja is a great way to expand your vocabulary and also
Hey guys, today I have two interesting verbs for you. 새우다 and 피우다. The reason they are interesting i
Here’s another comic to practice reading including a couple onomatopoeia (의성어 mimicking sound) or mi
Hi guys~ today’s post is a Korean 속담 (proverb, old saying). 백지장도 맞들면 낫다. First, let’s break it down.
Hi guys, today I have a little 말장난 (pun, word play) for you.In the picture, the guy in green says “석
Today I have another 속담(proverb/old saying). 산 넘어 산이다. This one is one of my favorites. Life is full
Hi guys~ I made a tea rating system for my posts so that you can know right away what level you’re g
Today, I thought we should add a new hanja to the list: 力 - 힘 력/역. So, 力 means 힘 (power) and it is p
Translation:새벽 3시 - 3am3년동안 사귀었는데 카톡으로 갑자기 헤어지는 거 말이 돼애애? We dated for three years…does sudde
Hi guys! Today’s post is about worries–more specifically three words that get translated to “w
품사 - Parts of SpeechSince my post from yesterday, I got a lot of requests to do more linguistic term
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